Sun. Feb 9th, 2025
With the annual winter drawdown right around the corner, officials from Ameren are advising property owners on Lake of the Ozarks and the Osage River to start the process of winterizing their docks.
“We’re required to to drop the lake down to around 654 sea level. We do that once a year at this time. And so we’re just trying to get the word out.”
Brad Todd, Operations Manager at the Osage Energy Center, also says lower lake levels will not affect power being sent from Bagnell Dam to the St. Louis region.
“As of now, we’ve got more than enough water. There is no effect to our generation. We’re well above our pool area that we need to be to generate with the power station.”
The lake level should be down to that 654-mark by mid-February before being raised back up to, or near, the 660-mark by Memorial Day weekend.
Dock owners can keep track of lake and river levels, and expected generation, by linking onto Ameren’s website or calling the Lake Level Daily Report (573-365-9205).
More info:
Dock owners at Lake of the Ozarks and on the Osage River should begin winterizing their docks to prevent damage from freezing water. Ameren Missouri will soon begin its annual drawdown, lowering water levels to below 654.0 feet above sea level. This process helps minimize the risk of spring flooding.
“Water depth can vary significantly from cove to cove, and winterizing docks helps protect them from potential damage caused by periodic fluctuations in lake levels, as well as ice,” said Brad Todd, operations manager at Ameren Missouri’s Osage Energy Center. “Although drought conditions led to lower water levels this fall, we anticipate making adjustments throughout winter in preparation for spring.”
Dock owners can obtain up-to-date information on lake water levels and river flows online at or by calling for the Lake Level Daily Report at 573.365.9205.
Ameren Missouri also offers the following tips for Lake of the Ozarks and Osage River dock owners preparing for the drawdown and winter season:
Bagnell Dam houses Ameren Missouri’s Osage Energy Center, which produces more than 500 million kilowatt-hours of clean energy for Missouri each year. To learn more about Bagnell Dam, visit
About Ameren Missouri
Ameren Missouri has been providing electric and gas service for more than 100 years, and the company’s electric rates are among the lowest in the nation. Ameren Missouri’s mission is to power the quality of life for its 1.2 million electric and 135,000 natural gas customers in central and eastern Missouri. The company’s service area covers 64 counties and more than 500 communities, including the greater St. Louis area. For more information, visit or follow us on Twitter at @AmerenMissouri or