Mon. Sep 9th, 2024
Some much needed and long anticipated roadwork in the City of Lake Ozark is just a few weeks away from starting up.
Administrator Harrison Fry, talking on KRMS Radio and TV, says the overlay project is expected to take place in two waves of work.
“There’s a portion of Bagnell Dam Blvd between School Road, right over the by the early childhood center that the School of the Osage runs, all the way up to MM overpass, call it JB Hooks if you’re looking for a milestone. That road is going to be resurfaces, milled down and filled back in with new asphalt. We’re looking at maybe the 2nd week of May.”
The second part of the planned work, from School, Road down to the dam, is expected to happen in the fall.
Fry also says the overall goal is to stagger the work to avoid conflicts with some of the bigger events…such as the Magic Dragon Street Meet National Car Show over the first weekend of May.