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Widespread Power Outages Reported (Again) at the Lake of the Ozarks

All News RSS Feed Top Stories Sunday, July 16th, 2023

Following the storms that rolled through on Friday leaving thousands without power across Missouri, it’s a case of deja vu again on Sunday with more storms and the lake area in the main bullseye for power outages.

Reports were received of outages affecting, perhaps, as many as several thousand stretching from parts of Versailles to Rocky Mount, Eldon and points in between.

Several of the reports indicated that the outages started around 1:15 P.M. with most of the service reconnected around 11:00 Sunday night. As of 11:15 P.M. Sunday, there were still 261 customers of Ameren-Missouri in the areas of W-22 and W-20 along the northshore of Lake Ozark still without power and estimated restoral times during the early morning hours.


All News RSS Feed Top Stories Sunday, July 16th, 2023

Reporter Mike Anthony