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Camdenton Moves To Raise Water & Sewer Rates – Sets Fiscal Year Budget

All News RSS Feed Business Politics Top Stories Friday, September 8th, 2023

Residents in Camdenton will now dig deeper into their pocketbooks to pay for water and sewer use in the city.

The board of aldermen, Tuesday night, gave unanimous approval to rate increases which, according to Mayor John McNabb, is a pro-active way to taking care of business now rather than waiting for something to force the issue.

“I think it’s important for us to stay on top of these things…so we don’t get into a situation where we are forced to make a large raise, I think that’s a dis-service to our patrons.”

The rate increases amount to 25-cents per one-thousand gallons used above the initial two-thousand gallons for water and an increase from $2.70 to $13.50 for the same usage for sewer.

Also, the financial blueprint for fiscal 2023-2024 is now set after the Camdenton Board of Aldermen gave its approval to the city’s operating budget.

The board, this week, gave approval to both the first and second readings setting the budget which estimates more than $19,195,000 in revenue with a little more than $12,219,000 being spent for a surplus of more than $6.975-million.

The operating budget also estimates that the city’s ARPA fund balance as of September-2024 will be a little more than $373-thousand.

All News RSS Feed Business Politics Top Stories Friday, September 8th, 2023

Reporter Mike Anthony