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Year To Date Roadway Fatalities Are Lower For 2023 Than 2022

All News RSS Feed State News Top Stories Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

Barring an unexpected dramatic spike in traffic-related fatalities on Missouri roadways, the numbers for this year will show a decrease at year’s end when compared to 2022.

That’s according to MoDOT District Traffic Engineer Trent Brooks speaking on KRMS Radio and TV who says, even if the state does show a decrease, the numbers still have to be put into proper perspective.

We don’t like talking about fatalities. We certainly wish we didn’t have a job when it came to that. And we also at times we talk about how things are better than last year, but I usually try to put that in perspective……that the numbers might be better, but someone’s life is certainly worse.”

Last year alone, there were 934 people killed on Missouri roadways compared to, currently, 883 as this week began.

Brooks also added that all the roadway improvements by MoDOT won’t really mean much to safety unless a few driving-related behaviors also improve.

Putting your phone down, buckling up, slowing down and not driving impaired is really the four things that we all can do to get where we want to go safely.”

All News RSS Feed State News Top Stories Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

Reporter Mike Anthony